

The End of November

Sun, 28 Nov 2010 03:42:47 +0800 | Comments(48) | Category:Uncategorized | Tags:

Late November, earthly grave. Only last month, the autumn-kissed trees were alight; a graceful end of life burning that enchanted our passions for beauty. There was shopping, hot cider, reading, and chatter amidst the loveliness of it all. But now burnt oranges, plum reds and banana yellows have dropped and decompose their way to a [...]

Staring at the Ceiling

Mon, 08 Nov 2010 12:09:24 +0800 | Comments(1138) | Category:Uncategorized | Tags:

As an adolescent I’d rush home after school, run upstairs to my room, and fling myself upon my bed. Then, staring up at the popcorn ceiling and bright lights, I’d re-imagine my world. It was a fantastical escape that I looked forward to all day long while toiling away through the uncomfortable pressures of adolescence [...]

“My husband is a programmer; I have no idea what that means.”

Thu, 12 Aug 2010 02:53:19 +0800 | Comments(40) | Category:Uncategorized | Tags:

I met my husband 11 years ago. I was carrying my guitar into my dorm room on freshman move-in day at the University of Southern Maine. I saw him eyeing my guitar with great interest. When he knocked on my door and introduced himself, he said, “Hey! I’m Adam. I live across the hall. I’m [...]

We’re Never Alone

Fri, 07 May 2010 04:01:05 +0800 | Comments(51) | Category:Uncategorized | Tags:

It’s 6:00 am; the kids just woke up. As they eat their cereal, I’m leaning up against the kitchen bar, iPhone in hand, checking Twitter updates from last night and catching up on email. It’s 9:00 am, and the kids have found a way to amuse themselves without me. This will last about 20 minutes. [...]

The Sanity of Decision

Wed, 24 Feb 2010 10:17:49 +0800 | Comments(71) | Category:Uncategorized | Tags:

This blog post is a follow-up to my last post, “The Insanity of Choice.” After many days of painful soul searching, we decided that moving to a warmer climate with more attractive housing prices was not actually going to bring us any increase in happiness. I reflected upon the couple of years I spent living in northern [...]

The Insanity of Choice

Fri, 05 Feb 2010 01:12:42 +0800 | Comments(311) | Category:Uncategorized | Tags:

I’ve never had commitment problems with other humans, but I find myself totally unable to commit to a geographic location; and the pressure to commit coupled with the inability to do so has slowly driven me insane. For many people, the question of “where to live?” is answered easily. I assume that most people in [...]

This Holiday Season, Thank a Geek

Mon, 14 Dec 2009 22:16:51 +0800 | Comments(55) | Category:Uncategorized | Tags:

Do you use Vim? Emacs? Do you use Gemcutter for gem hosting? Do you listen to Soma FM? If you use free software, think about donating time or money this holiday season to support the individuals that put in long hours creating the awesome software that makes your life easier. Adam and I have spent some time this [...]

Naming Together

Wed, 02 Dec 2009 23:19:24 +0800 | Comments(31) | Category:Uncategorized | Tags:

I think it’s fairly common for programmers to build applications to meet a personal need. When I found out I was pregnant with our third child this past May I didn’t intend to spend my pregnancy writing a Sinatra application for naming babies, but I’ve had so much fun and have really grown as a [...]

My First Time (Musings on Rails Camp New England)

Thu, 23 Jul 2009 10:33:00 +0800 | Comments(50) | Category:Uncategorized | Tags:

Every girl wants her first time to be special. I wanted my first official Rails event to be something small, intimate and meaningful. I tried to choose my first event carefully so as to not end up in a place like Las Vegas, from which I would be coming home feeling like a sold-out whore. [...]

Truckers and Programmers

Fri, 26 Jun 2009 05:51:32 +0800 | Comments(763) | Category:Uncategorized | Tags:

Could it be that truckers and programmers have a lot in common? The dream I had last night prompted me to reflect upon the nomadic life of truckers and how they actually share several commonalities with programmers through their professional lifestyle. Let me start by giving a quick synopsis of the dream: Progmatica, a language agnostic programming [...]